Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Day Before

Once again it's way too late in the evening, and I'm still up. But I promise, I've been productive. I'm nearly packed (two t-shirts and a bikini down, the rest to go). I'll go to bed soon.

This will be my third pitiful attempt to create a blog. Just like my many attempts to keep a travel journal, after a few entries in said blogs and journals, my creative juices abandon me, or rather I get too caught up in the real world and abandon any initiatives to get my musings and memories down on 'paper'. Hélas what knowledge the world has missed, lost forever in the jumble that is my mind and poor self-reflection powers.

Nevertheless, once again I commence a blog. A travel blog to entertain all the insomniacs of my acquaintance, to keep track of my movements and thoughts, full of tips on vagabonding around the world on a barely there budget (June 20th was my one year anniversary of being unemployed!) and 'Kiyomi' stories.

Not sure how regularly I'll be online, mais bon.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I promise, there's no contradiction between being a "responsible, productive member of society" and leading life filled with adventure. :-)

    Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." I so agree!

    Have a great 'nother Hurrah!

    Love, A.C.
