Monday, December 20, 2010


And no I'm not a dinosaur!

I'm finally yanking up my roots and getting the hell out of this country. After a terrible flight back to California (Seriously Delta, I hate you. Fellow travelers, do not get conned into sitting in row 19 on transcontinental flights. It's not an exit row...the window seat SUCKS, especially when icy cold water is leaking into the plane. Wet socks are not fun), I'm one step closer to India!

By the way, the craptacular flight attendant has re-enforced my opinion that sometimes Americans suck. Perhaps I expect too much out of my fellow compatriots, but still.

After months and months of waiting, my departure date for India is right around the corner! I have everything planned out, meaning I have absolutely nothing planned out except for where I'm landing and departing. Ooo I picked up the wedding gift (good thing I made a list of things to do), and got my manual SLR in the mail (we'll see if it actually works. Unfortunately, I don't have time to test it out before I go...) and I'm ready to explore the sub-continent.

I know, I'm not supposed to eat food of the street. I know that it's a sure fire way of getting extremely sick, but the pictures of street cart vendors in my Lonely Planet look amazing...and if Lonely Planet says it's a must try...wellllll....

Okay, so I'll try to update this blog over the next month whilst away. Internet, email, and phone will be severely limited. But feel free to email me. I always like to know what's going on in the real world.

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